At the end of 2023 year, we conducted a comprehensive operation to rescue bats during the window replacement (that were damaged by war) at V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. This building has been a roosting site for bats for over 50 years.
It was a meticulous job in which our team, together with workers, dismantled windows almost every day for a month and a half, saving bats by the dozens, or even hundreds. Fortunately, all animals that lost their winter roosting sites in the University building found it in our Center.
We work every day to feed those who have too little boy mass for successful hibernation, to treat those in need, and to provide shelter for all bats until spring.
Currently, the number of rescued bats only from the University is approximately 2000.
Confirmation that this building is crucial for bat hibernation is the fact that they return there every year. This is known through the recapture of previously ringed animals. For example, a recently rescued male Eptesicus serotinus bat was first found there in 2014!
Therefore, it is essential to preserve bat wintering sites and not disturb animals unnecessarily during winter!
Many thanks to our supporters IFAW , Future For Nature and the DierenPark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund !