Meet Inessa Demchenko Демченко Инесса, an artist and our volunteer who has been helping with rescuing bats in Kharkiv for several years.
She also sews lovely cloth bags for bats to be put into before they are placed in refrigerators for hibernation. If you ever paid attention to the incredibly bat-like key rings among our merch souvenirs, those are her handiwork.
Presently, Inessa and her daughter are abroad because of the war, nonetheless she continues her creative art and keeps us in mind too. She keeps sewing and sending us bags, organizes exhibitions and rallies in the city where she lives in Germany.
One of such exhibitions takes place in Reutlingen, Germany now and one of Inessa’s works is about ecocide.
You must have already heard from us all those stories of how bats on migration get trapped in broken/open windows, cannot get out on their own, and subsequently die.
Inessa’s piece of art is intended to tell about this problem caused by the war.
The artwork of this Ukrainian artist attracts the attention of passers-by. You can see them through the windows of the exhibition hall in Reutlingen, Wilhelmstraße 101 till 9th of March.